Thursday 21 February 2013

Oil Plume Fades As Microbes Degrade

The Deep-water Horizon oil spill is the second largest oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. On 20th April 2010, high pressure oil and gas caused the deep-water drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico to explode, it is estimated that 4.1 million barrels of light crude oil and natural gas leaked into the Gulf. To tackle this pollution 1.8 million gallons of the chemical dispersant COREXIT was applied to the surface waters as well as directly into the wellhead (1500m below surface level). During the spill several research groups reported a plume of dispersed MC252 crude oil at 1100-1220mbsl (meters below surface level) at distances up to 35km from the wellhead. It is thought to have formed as a reaction to the application of COREXIT at the wellhead combined with the physical and chemical factors at 1100 mbsl depth.

The aim of this study was to investigate the succession of the microbial community and the formation of microbial flocs in deep sea water from the Gulf of Mexico. This aim was achieved by laboratory enrichments at cold temperatures (5˚C) with high concentrations of the MC252 oil and COREXIT. There were five enrichments tests using combinations of oil, COREXIT and FeCl₂ as well as three control enrichment tests, with additional to study floc formations. These investigations involved a source of uncontaminated water from the depth of the recorded plume, MC252 oil from the Discovery Enterprise drillship located directly above the wellhead and COREXIT 9500 dispersant which was provided. The authors also aimed to select and isolate specific members of the microbial community that are capable to degrade oil. The members were isolated and identified from 20 day incubated enrichment samples, using 16S rRNA-based identification and scanning electron microscopy. By monitoring the respiration and degradation of oil and COREXIT during incubations the authors were able to understand the pattern of succession and response of specific microbial populations when exposed to high concentrations of high hydrocarbons. This illustrates what happens in situations like the Deep-water Horizon oil spill or from oil seeps on the ocean floor.

The different hydrocarbon fractions of MC252 oil in the deep-water plume were previously found to be largely removed by a combination of dispersion and microbial degradation by indigenous microbes in the deep sea. The results showed that the bacterial communities adapted rapidly to the introduction of hydrocarbons with sequences representative of first Oleispira, then Colwellia becoming dominant. The findings suggest that Colwelliaceae and Oceanospirillales played a predominant role in hydrocarbons in deep sea; Colwellia could have a competitive advantage in the presence of high concentrations of oil and dispersant due to their ability to produce EPS and form flocs.

The deep-sea holds some oil degrading potential since there is natural oil seeps, so it is interesting to see how application of dispersants will affect this potential, especially in high concentrations. The fact that this paper identified a dominant crude oil degrader (Colwellia) means it could be utilised to perfect oil spill management. It would be interesting to compare this study with future studies in the Gulf of Mexico to track the succession of this species and if competition with Oleispira changes its dominance.

Baelum, J., Borglin, S., Chakraborty, R., Fortney, J.L., Lamendella, R., Mason, O.U., Auer, M., Zemla M., Bill, M., Conrad, M.E., Malfatti, S.A., Tringe S.G., Holman, H-Y., Hazen, T.C., Jansson, J.K., (2012), Deep-sea bacteria enriched by oil and dispersant from the Deepwater Horizon spill, Environmental Microbiology, Volume 14, Issue 9, September 2012, Pages 2405-2416


  1. Hi Kathryn,

    I’m sorry I think I might have got a little lost in your blog (maybe I’ve just got Monday morning syndrome). So they aimed to investigate the succession of the microbial community and the formation of microbial flocs in deep sea water from the Gulf of Mexico, and they were particularly interested in the deep-sea succession as this is where most of the Horizon oil ended up after dispersant addition. I follow that section, I think I’m a little lost at the results and the comparison between what had previously been found and what the reviewed study contributed to the previous finding. Is it just that previously it has been reported that deepsea microbes can degrade oil spills, and then the reviewed paper revealed the likely succession of microbes which we didn’t know about before? Please could you clarify this?

    I’m also a little lost as to why Colwellia might be suspected to have a competitive advantage, and what the significance of this might be apart from the potential commercial bioremediation.

    Robyn posted a blog about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill way back in October, she explained how molecular methods were used to identify the microorganisms which were active in the bloom and which functional genes were being expressed. The work she reviewed concluded the succession started with a community dominated by Oceanospirillales to domination by Colwellia and Cycloclasticus and eventually to methylotrophic bacteria, does this fit in with the results the paper you reviewed?

    Many thanks,

  2. Hi Vicky,

    Thank you for your comment and sorry about the late reply,
    Yes several reports noted that a variety of indigenous deep-sea microbes were the main source of degradation of the oil plume, but they also noticed a change in microbial community composition so this paper looked at the specific dominant microbes present and their part in the succession present particularly when exposed to high concentrations of hydrocarbons (e.g. oil spill).

    Colwellia was said to have a possible advantage because of its ability to produce EPS (exopolysaccharide groups) and aggregate into flocs, these abilities were considered a key physiological mechanisms for communities to aggregate with oil droplets and conserve nutrients; this is shown really well in figure 5a. In regards to its competitive advantage the paper also mentions that the Colwellia sp have previously been shown to produce EPS under extreme conditions (i.e. low temperature, high pressure and low salinity), therefore Colwellia is likely to utilise oil in extreme environments than Oleispira sp.

    A brief summary of the initial succession was mentioned that it was first Oleispira (Oceanospirillales), then Colwellia becoming dominant. Another microbe was also mentioned; Methylococcaceae was detected after 10 days of incubation, so there is a similarity to Robyn’s blog results. Unfortunately the only reference to Cycloclasticus is from a previous report from June 2010 so it does not follow the succession pattern exactly.

    I hope I have helped, if not please let me know


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