Friday 8 February 2013

Passive Blacksmiths?

Iron-reducing bacteria reduce Fe(III) to provide energy. The majority of previous literature has found that the bacteria which utilise iron-rich compounds are both motile, and use conductive nanowires to provide conduit for electron transfer. This paper focuses on Geobacter which has been shown incabale of producing soluble electron shuttles to reduce Fe(III), unlike other iron reducing species. However, previous studies have shown that minerals containing Fe(III) can be found closely associated with cell surfaces, but the mechanism for this aggregation is still unknown. The key question this paper tries to answer is: How do Geobacter species, which require a direct contact with iron-rich compounds, proliferate as planktonic cells.

The paper produced many images by Cryo-TEM and FISH which show large aggregates of Fe(III) growing in multiple places around the outermembrane of Geobacter sp. which are very clear. Luef et al. (2013) grew these bacteria in a solution which contain soluble iron. So any aggregation around the cell surfaces of these planktonic bacteria is deduced to be passive, rather than aggregated through motility to iron rich compounds. Although the paper clearly showed an accumulation of iron around these motile cells, it is still unclear whether iron naturally aggregates when in solution. Also this experiment had no control in the laboratory experiments.

All in all, this paper was fascinating. The images they collected are clear and informative, however the way they lead you through the paper is slightly confusing. They also left a few questions unanswered in the discussion, such as the aggregation of iron around planktonic cells in the lab experiments completely disappeared after 6 days of growth. Was this due to experimental procedures? or could it be that the percentage of reduced iron (which they reported to be 63.2% after 6 days) had reached a critical threshold where it was no longer energy efficient for the Geobacter to extract iron when it is at a low concentration? And as such switches metabolism? This would be an interesting follow up experiment!


  1. Hi Myles,

    This paper does sound very interesting. I have just quickly gone through it and I was wondering if you knew what the STMX analyses were?



  2. Hey Sophie,

    Not going to lie, i have no idea what that is. and Google doesn't either :/ With the methodology sections they always tend to go over my head!
    Maybe this would be a question for Colin (sorry Colin!)


  3. Hi Myles,

    I enjoyed your post but I'm struggling to see the scientific impact of this study! How has this paper contributed to our knowledge other than with some pretty pictures?! Is the aggregation of Iron to do with metabolism, magnetosomes or maybe unique growth?

    Thanks, Harri

  4. Hey Harri,

    When i read this paper the first time i had the exact same responce! But i think what this paper was trying to do was make the distinction between 'active hunting' of iron aggregates (which has previously been shown) and passive. but to be honest they shouldve made a control with no bacteria (to see if the iron naturally aggragates in solution anyway), and a control with mutant bacteria with no flagella (to actually test for passive accumulation.

    As for the pictures, i think they are pretty impressive! Id love to know how they accumulate the iron extracellularly, and if they have defensive mechanisms against other bacteria (trying to steal the iron with pili)

    As for what the bacteria use the iron for? the paper only mentions use as an electron acceptor in metabolism, but it would be interesting to see if it is used in other ways.

    As for magnetosomes, im not sure if soluble iron produces a magnetic field? Ive not done physics in a while! interesting point though!

    Thanks, Myles


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