Friday 12 October 2012

Winter-summer comparison of Antarctic bacterioplankton: WHO is there and WHAT are they doing?

Summer in Antarctica is characterized by continuous high solar irradiance, water column stratification and intense primary production from phytoplankton. As winter moves in, sea ice forms and the marine habitat is plunged into darkness; the lack of sun light and lowering temperatures cause the water column to mix and primary production from photosynthesis virtually ceases. Previous studies have identified that these seasonal changes in conditions correspond to a drastic change in microbial abundance and activity, as well as a shift in microbial diversity. To date research efforts to identify the main players in the different microbial communities have been limited. Furthermore there has been no specific objective to analyse the metabolic capabilities of the different communities. In particular there is a lack of information on winter communities due to the harsh conditions and thick sea ice which hampers sampling efforts. The objective of the paper reviewed was therefore, to better define the community diversity and genome-encoded capabilities of Antarctic bacterioplankton in both winter and summer climates.

Grzymski et al., (2012) use a bombardment of metagenomic techniques in order to gather the desired information about each microbial community; allowing them to observe data on organisms which may not be culturable. Genetic parameters directly measured included subunit ribosomal RNA (SS rRNA) sequences as well as genomic end sequences; this was achieved using a standardised DNA/RNA extraction kit and following instructions from the Joint Genome Institute. The genomic information was then subjected to a variety of phylogenetic statistical analyses and comparisons using genomic databases, allowing data such as predicted genome size, GC content and specific functional genes to be investigated.

The paper identifies many different clades in each community using the SSrRNA which enabled them to produce phylogenetic trees. Overall it was found that the winter community had a significantly higher phylogenetic and functional diversity. The general unique features of the winter community were the presence of chemolithoautotrophic bacteria and archaea (who obtain energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds and carbon from the fixation of carbon dioxide). Interestingly the summer community showed no archaea at all. The authors were able to come to these conclusions from a wide range of interesting and detailed data, not all of which can be summarised here. I found the specific functional gene search particularly interesting; this showed that there is a greater metabolic and functional diversity in winter. For example, the winter community contained more post-translational modification genes, indicating that a higher amount of protein re-folding occurs in winter. This is likely due to protein damage in the more stressful lower temperatures and oligotrophic condition.

The observation of high levels of chemoloithoautotrophy in winter is novel in Antarctic waters. Given the huge size of the Southern Ocean this discovery, and its potential inferences, is particularly important. More work is needed in order to find out if this process is widespread in the Southern Ocean as it may be an important carbon sink which has previously been unaccounted for in carbon budget studies. It may also go some way to explaining anomalies in inorganic nitrogen content, possibly changing the way we understand the global carbon and nitrogen cycles.

I decided to review this paper in order to better understand metagenomic techniques and their applications following my earlier confession that I didn’t have a good grasp of it all. I feel this paper communicated their huge array of results clearly which helps overall understanding and I strongly recommend any other bloggers in the same position give this a read.

Grzymski, J. J., Riesenfeld, C. S., Williams, T. J., Dussaq, A. M., Ducklow, H., Erickson, M., Cavicchioli, R., et al. (2012). A metagenomic assessment of winter and summer bacterioplankton from Antarctica Peninsula coastal surface waters. The ISME journal, 6(10), 1901–15.



  1. Hi Vicky, you said they found no Archaea at all. Is it possible that their methods of collecting samples were not sufficient? For instance, I would describe a good sampling tecnique as collecting from a variety of different depths to achieve an overall image of the composition. This is especially important when considering photosynthetic organisms, for example, such as in this paper, that require sunlight and would therefore flourish near the surface.

  2. Hi Megan, thanks for your comment. I'm glad you've brought this point up as it was something I alluded to in the blog and was going to explore more but I ran out of words. Firstly, this study focussed their investigation on surface waters and were therefore unlikely to prioritises depth profiling, perhaps I should have made this clearer when stating their aims. Secondly, in winter the harsh conditions control what sampling can occur, which isn't ideal, but the authors do recognise this. The winter samples were taken directly from the stations sea water intake which is 6m deep and 16m from shore, whereas the summer samples were taken 500m offshore at a depth of 10m using a submersible pump.

    As for the lack of archaea, the authors found no evidence of PCR amplified DNA and therefore concluded that they were not present. Given that this finding was for the summer community where sampling difficulty isn’t an issue they concluded this to be correct as it also concurs with previous reports (Murray et al. 1998).

    Whilst the authors do recognise that sampling is limited to what the climate permits, I do think that the paper would be improved by using a better sampling regime. Also, as I mentioned in the blog, more work is required in order to get a better understanding of the microbial communities in the Southern Ocean as a whole.

    Murray AE, Preston CM, Massana R, Taylor LT, Blakis A, Wu K et al. (1998). Seasonal and spatial variability of bacterial and archaeal assemblages in the coastal waters near Anvers Island, Antarctica. Appl Environ Microbiol 64: 2585–2595


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