Tuesday 11 December 2012

Growth inhibition of pathogens by bacteria in corals.

Corals have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, which live in the tissues of corals. Coral bleaching is the expulsion of zooxanthellae which occurs when they are put under any external environmental physical and/or toxic stresses. Another way by which coral bleaching can occur is from bacterial infections. Nissimov et al. (2009) conducted a study to observe the antimicrobial effects of bacteria in the coral mucus from Oculina patagonica, on various pathogens of this coral. The pathogens observed in this study were Vibrio shiloi (which is no longer a pathogen to this coral), Vibrio coralliilyticus, Thallassomonas loyana, and 9 others.

 In terms of the V. Shiloi coral pathogen, it is temperature stimulated, at temperatures of 25°C and over. It is attracted to the coral mucus layer, which is supports a diverse range of micro organisms such as bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses. The pathogen adheres to a β-galactoside receptor which is on the surface of the coral. However, this only occurs when the temperatures are over 25°C, and only on corals that have photosynthetically active zooxanthellae. When the V. Shiloi has successfully entered the coral tissue, it multiplies and produces toxins which block photosynthesis, and bleach and lyse the zooxanthellae.

 The Coral Probiotic Hypothesis proposes that a corals' associated microbial community changes with the surrounding conditions, which allows the coral to be tolerant of these changes. This would then apply to seasonal alterations in microbial community to withstand the changes in temperature, for example. This hypothesis could explain the occurrence of V. Shiloi adhering to coral tissues, and then the population declining, and eventually disappearing.

 Two healthy fragments of O. patagonica were collected, and the bacteria from the mucus was extracted, isolated and identified. From the 156 colonies which were tested, nine were shown to inhibit the growth of the coral pathogen V. Shiloi (JNM1, 3, 8, 11, 12, 14, 106, 119 & 149). These 9 colonies were then tested against other known coral pathogens. In particular, strain JNM12 showed the highest activity against coral pathogens V. shiloi, V. coralliilyticus, and T. loyana. Strain JNM14 inhibited the growth of all target species, showing a broad range of activity. Strains JNM12 & JNM14, were therefore selected for further studies on growth inhibition in mixed cultures, inhibition by cells and supernatants of mucus bacteria cultures, and interactions between V. shiloi and biofilms of coral mucus isolates.

The inhibition of V. shiloi growth in mixed cultures depended largely on the density of the initial coral isolate cultures. V. shiloi viable counts decreased from between 10²-fold to 10⁵-fold when using supernatants of mucus bacteria cultures (strains JNM12 & JNM14). The V. shiloi viable counts also decreased in the presence of biofilms composed of the coral isolates (strains JNM12 & JNM14).

 The inhibitive properties of the strains extracted from the coral mucus show their importance in regulating a microbial community which remains beneficial to the coral all year round. The different bacteria in the coral may contribute towards various modes of protecting the coral, rather than just one or two contributing to disease immunity.

 Further studies focusing on the other isolates in this study would be beneficial to see how they contribute towards immunity against pathogens in other corals. This could also benefit human health eventually by gaining broader knowledge on pathogens in general, especially in terms of waterborne pathogens which now infect humans, eg Vibrio cholerae.

Joseph Nissimov, Eugene Rosenberg & Colin B. Munn. (2009) Antimicrobial properties of resident coral mucus bacteria of Oculina patagonica. Federation of European Microbiological Societies Microbiology Letters. 292 (2): 210-215.


  1. Hey Hannah,
    Do you know the molecular reasons why the Vibrio shiloi bacterium only infects the coral above 25C? Is this purely a enzyme kinetics reason?

  2. Well, I've had a look and I've found that Ariel Kushmaro and a few others are the ones who seemed to discover this. The first study they did on this was in 1996, which unfortunately I can't access. However, they released a paper the following year in which they hypothesise that the coral bleaching pathogens become more virulent in temperatures that are elevated.
    They go on to say in their discussion that the coral bleaching pathogen used in their study adheres to the coral in a specific way. Adhesion is blocked by D-galactose, and also by very low concentrations of methyl-b-D-galactopyranoside. The pathogen adhesin can detect b-D-galactopyranoside on the coral surface, and the bacterial adhesin is regulated by temperature. The pathogens did not adhere to the coral when the coral was grown at 16 degrees, even if the coral was then maintained at higher temperatures (25 degrees).

    The pathogen used in this study was a Vibrio, but it was Vibrio AK-1 rather than shioli, so there may be some difference in results if shioli was used.

    I hope this made sense to you, if not, please let me know.

    Here's the link to the paper I looked through to attempt answering your question: http://www.int-res.com/articles/meps/171/m171p131.pdf

    The 1996 paper is called Bacterial infection and coral bleaching by Kushmaro, A., Loya, Y., Fine, M. & Rosenberg, E. if you wanted to try to access if somewhere.

  3. Hi Hannah and Harri..The bacterium originally isolated as AK-1 (named after Ariel Kushmaro) was subsequently identified as a new species, named Vibrio shiloi (in some papers, referred to as V. shilonii). As Aimee points out, there are several papers showing how temperature affects various virulence factor. The whole story is summarised in Chapter 10 of my book and we'll discuss in class next term.

  4. Hi Hannah, so finally in response your question, yes the similarities are pronounced and this is a very interesting paper, and during a lab we participated in last year we most defiantly saw a resistance by the V. shilonii to antibiotics so can only assume that in the natural environment this occurs. I my self am studying the resistance of certain bacteria to copper in Sea anemones, in relation to copper. This i feel is a quite prominent feature in all reef invertebrates, and when studied closer we will probably find that species harbor many bacteria that provide positive effects for their hosts.

    Hope that made some sort of sense lol and cracking blog by the way :)


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