Tuesday 18 December 2012

Identification of proteins involved in the functioning of Riftia pachyptila symbiosis by Subtractive Suppression Hybridization

Riftia pachyptila are giant tubeworms that form dense aggregations and constitute a major component of the biomass in the deep-sea. As mentioned in the lectures, they form a symbiont with bacteria that burrow into the skin of the organism and colonize, removing the necessity of a traditionally functioning digestive tract (mouth, gut, anus etc.) due to their production of carbon as a metabolite for respiration. No global genomic work on the host had been published previous to this work.

This study compared the amount of DNA sequences replicated (cDNA), DNA sequences replicated once repetitive sequences have been removed, and the number of DNA sequences present, between different tissue types, using Subtractive Suppression Hybridization technique (SSH). The tissues compared were the branchial plume tissue (the only organ in contact with the sea water) and in the trophosome (the organ where the symbiotic bacteria reside), using the body wall as a control tissue. Traditionally, SSH involves comparing the same tissue at different time points, i.e. when the organisms are in symbiosis and when they are not. However this is not possible in this case as the adult cannot survive out of symbiosis, so this study compares different tissues instead.

RNA was extracted to obtain the DNA sequences that are replicated, and amplified using PCR. The results were used to create a library showing each tissue and control, for example the body wall – plume library, which shows the genes that are present in the body wall and not in the plume.

Not surprisingly, the trophosome contained most of the sequences that coded for all processes overall: the bacteria that have colonized the organism are responsible for a majority of the genes required in the adult life of the tube worm; they require more genes since they carry out traditional processed for living, including providing carbon for the tube worm.

The tissue with the most amount of mtDNA was the brachial plume tissue, with 60% of gene sequences being found in this tissue; the carbon produced by the bacteria are utilized here for respiration. The redundancy rates vary between 80.5 and 95.6%, with 16S ribosomal mitochondrion sequence being highly redundant in the trophosome. This suggests that further sequencing would not bring up many more new sequences.

There are several homologies between the branchial plume tissue and the trophosome, such as coding regions for carbonic anhydrase enzyme, however the specific sequence is different. This is presumably due to the nature of the genes being from bacteria in the trophosome, and from the worm in the branchial plume tissue, and the fact that the DNA is either eukaryotic or bacterial is demonstrated by different sequences. The variation that does occur between the branchial plume tissue and others is possibly due to the necessity to protect against hydrogen sulphide in the sea.

In the BW-BR library, representing sequences involved in the formation of the tube, there was a sequence of cDNA with high homology with galaxin, a protein present in the calcified exoskeleton of the coral Galaxea fascicularis, suggesting these organisms are related.

A majority of sequences in the TR-BW library could not be identified; more than 56 % of those that could be identified are respiratory pigment protein transcripts. The BW-TR library was similar to the BW-BR, with less cDNA sequences.

Protein synthesis is still active within the Riftia pachyptila, shown by the sequence expression present in the trophosome tissue. This shows that the worm is not merely a host for a parasite; the relationship is symbiotic. It would be interesting to look into the sequences of cDNA that cannot be identified, such as those in the trophosome, considering they may be unique to this organism.

Sanchez, S; Hourdez, S; Lallier, F. H (2007) Identification of proteins involved in the functioning of Riftia pachyptila symbiosis by Subtractive Suppression Hybridization, BMC Gemonics, 8:337




1 comment:

  1. Megan - I am curious about a couple of comments. Do you think the fact that Riftia contains a protein with homology to the coral protein galaxin is enough to conclude that "these organisms are related"? These worms are evolutionarily very different from corals! Maybe homologues of this protein are involved in cell understructure of various organisms. Secondly, I wonder why the statement about active protein synthesis by the host trophosome tissue gives insight into whether this is a parasitic or symbiotic relationship?


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