Gastroenteritis obtained from undercooked or contaminated
shellfish is a problem worldwide. One of the key pathogens that cause this
infection is Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Theethakaew
et al. (2013) studied the genetic and evolutionary relationships between isolates
obtained in Thailand from clinical, human carriers and environmental sources. Since
there is such a high consumption of seafood in Thailand, knowledge concerning
this pathogen is of importance to allow the development of effective intervention
strategies that prevent risk of infection of the public and economic costs to seafood
Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) has been used in many
other studies to analyse population genetics and molecular epidemiology of
bacterial pathogens. This study used a modified version of MLST to identify potential
sources of infection by analysing the population structure of V. parahaemolyticus. They were unable to
find the most likely epidemiological sources of human carrier isolates, but
determined that they were not always connected with seafood sources. There were
five human carrier isolates that were identical to clinical isolates,
indicating a genetic link between the two. Therefore human carriers may
potentially transmit pathogens directly or indirectly to others or may
contaminate seafood during production methods. However, 10 other human carrier
isolates were also found, suggesting the human intestinal tract may act as a reservoir
for novel V. parahaemolyticus strains.
A Bayesain analysis was also used. Although this was
unable to differentiate between the isolates of the different epidemiological
sources, they found the protein recA has an important role in the population
structure of V. parahaemolyticus. Two
divergent recA alleles were present. Nucelotide Blast analysis demonstrated
these alleles to be closely linked to V.
cincinnatiensis, a human bacterial pathogen and V. halioticoli, a bacterial pathogen found in the guts of the
abalone mollusc, confirming these alleles had been obtained via horizontal gene
transfer from other species. Other studies have also recorded a high diversity
of recA in a range of Vibrio species, suggesting this is not a suitable marker
for evolutionary analysis.
As recA has an intricate mosaic structure, intragenic
recombination was also found to be an important aspect in the evolution of V. parahaemolyticus. Other species of
Vibrio have likewise demonstrated intragenic recombination of recA, suggesting
this may be a common source of recombination in this species. Since the study
found human carrier and clinical isolates to contain mosaic recA proteins most
frequently it could be suggested recombination occurs in the human intestinal
tract more often than in the environment. Other studies investigating human
carriers in seafood factories found a low number of carriers, however these individuals
were found to harbour multiple strains of V.
parahaemolyticus for a prolonged period of time. The existence of concurrent
multiple strains supplies evidence for the exchange of DNA both within and
between strains when in the intestinal tract, suggesting this may be an
important driving force in the evolution of V.
parahaemolyticus. Nonetheless, further studies are needed to determine the residence
time of this pathogens in humans, the rate of horizontal gene transfer and
ultimately the frequency at which new strains are evolving in order to develop
successful intervention strategies of this pathogen.
Genetic Relationships of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolates
from Clinical, Human Carrier, and Environmental Sources in Thailand, Determined
by Multilocus Sequence Analysis
Theethakaewa, Edward J.
David M.
Douglas M.
Neilb and
Robert L.