Tuesday 26 March 2013

Biofilm disruption by Laser Beams. Because we're all big kids at heart.

Biofilms cause many problems in many different aspects of life, both biotically and abiotically. They cause biodeterioration of useful structures leading to extensive maintenance costs, reduced efficacy of antibiotics in disease systems and dental plaques leading to tooth decay.  In disease systems, biofilm recalcitrance often means that antibiotic dosage needs to be 100-1000 fold higher in order to be effective, which is impractical as it would then be toxic to the host.

This article studies the effect of lasers on bacterial death and the disruption of biofilms. Using a Q-switched (pulsed output) ND:YAG (the crystal that emits the ionic activity of the beam) laser beam, the authors bombarded Staphylococcus epidermis biofilms grown on thin polycarbonate substrates, for a duration of <5ns with a peak stress of >50MPa at a wavelength of 1064nm (i.e. a very short but high powered beam). This beam specification was chosen due to earlier testing which showed that it is sufficient to kill bacterial lawns but not powerful enough to cause thermal damage to the surrounding (host) tissue.  
Using this methodology, the authors observed a 55% reduction in bacterial load in respect to control cultures, but state in the discussion that higher bacterial reduction can be achieved through stiffer backing plates, better positioning, and decrease in presence of air bubbles.

Personally I feel that this method is hardly going to replace toothbrushing, but shows promising application in clinical therapy and indeed, the authors conclude that the results of this study are the first steps towards a clinically viable therapeutic method in infected wound treatment, where antibiotics have proved ineffective. However it is important to note that, to my best knowledge, I cannot find many studies on the effects of this type of laser beam on human tissue, and due to the intense heat and ionising damage caused by the laser, it is difficult to refrain from immediately thinking of cancer. Nonetheless, the results of this study show the first steps towards the potential clinical application of lasers in biofilm disruption, which is heavily needed with the growing prevalence of antibiotic resistance. Moreover lasers could also have a potential usage in the disruption of biofilms outside disease systems.

REF: Taylor, Z.D., Navarro, A., Kealey, C.P., Beenhouwer, D., Haake, D.A., Grundfest, W.S., Gupta, V. (2010) Bacterial biofilm disruption using laser generated shockwaves. Conference Proceedings of the Engineering in the Medicine and Biology Society, 1028-1032.

ACCESSED FROM: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21096997


  1. Hi Harri,

    This is a very interesting post, you have mentioned that a greater bacterial reduction may be achieved with stiffer plates, precise positioning and low air bubbles, but did the authors use a variety of beam diameters to test bacterial reduction? It would be interesting to see if the percentage of biofilm reduction varies with different beam sizes.

    The possibilities of laser removal of biofilms can be applied to clinical use as well as industrial use; if you are interested there is a paper by Nandakumar et al (2004) which also uses lasers to eradicate biofilms. It concentrated on the removal of natural marine biofilms off hard surfaces (titanium and glass) and the results showed a significant reduction of biofilm. The paper explains the potential use on industrial structures, to prevent the pollution of biocides and antifouling substances into the sea.

    Nandakumar, K., Obika, H., Utsumi, A., Ooie, T., Yano T., (2004), In Vitro Laser Ablation of Natural Marine Bioļ¬lms, Applied and environmental microbiology, Nov. 2004, p. 6905–6908 Vol. 70, No. 11

  2. Hi Kath,

    Simple answer: No. The authors didn't mention any change to the positioning of the laser beam at all! I guessed this was due to a number of pilot studies which tested the efficacy of different angles but again, no mention is made of these.

    That paper was actually listed underneath the one I have reviewed in my pubmed search! I chose to do this one because with the clinical aspects, I thought it was more significant. Though Nandakumar et al showed significant removal of bacteria - their beam duration was 30s, which would completely fry the host tissue in clinical aplications!


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