Tuesday 26 March 2013

Will ocean acidification affect marine microbes?

Increasing quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, combined with a decrease in dissolved oxygen (O) in the ocean as a result of temperature increases, is leading to theories of ocean acidification. If this is occurring, it is vital to understand how the functioning of microbes will be influenced due to their importance in marine productivity and planetary habitability. This review collected research surrounding this issue.

Ocean pH has never been constant as a result of natural fluctuations. These fluctuations depend on the location within the ocean in terms of depth and containment of water: deviations of 0.77 pH points have been found at 350m, and steep declines in pH occur within areas that are more contained, such as waters near estuaries. The pH levels in marine environments can fluctuate on a time-basis. Short-term fluctuations occur constantly as a result of gaseous exchanges of CO2 and O, however a majority is linked to microbial activity: high respiration to photosynthesis ratios cause accumulation of CO2, particularly in calm waters and during the night. Biological and physical processes (e.g. temperature), cause fluctuations over intermediate time periods, such as seasons. Although this suggests that natural changes still enable stability the terms of the microbial assemblage, the scale of this variation is almost 13 times lower than the permanent change predicted by 2300. There is evidence that once a pH change is initiated, it will increase expontentially as a result of the microbial communities: a phytoplankton bloom, initiated by an increase in CO2, will increase the concentration of CO2 further.

Of course these are only predictions, and considering numerous factors influencing pH, this may never become reality. One paper states that pH has not varied by more than 0.6 pH units for 350 million years, whilst another states a greater than expected change was observed in the central Pacific.

Research is conflicting in terms of how marine microbes will respond. Some clades are present across varying pH levels, however the species and function changes. For example, calcification rates of phytoplankton have been effected, however the direction of the effect is strain dependant.  Subtle variations in photosynthetic rates have been observed in species that do not have carbon concentrating mechanisms. The quantities of some bacteria have been shown to increase, such as phytoplankton. Steep ecological changes, including algal communities and invertebrates, have occurred alongside pH changes in estuaries.

It is possible for species, such as some representatives of the alphaproteobacteria and the gammaproteobacteria groups, to survive out of and within the core acidified zone: 200m – 4000m deep. I wonder what traits the species exhibit that enables them to survive? Considering organisms that live within the acidic zone live in close proximity to those that do not, and the ability of microbes to transfer genes, it would be interesting to determine at what point the genes for these traits were gained. Perhaps some microbes have a threshold point after reaching acidic conditions in which they must acquire the appropriate genes for survival from other microbes already present. Alternatively, these genes may be present yet not expressed until environmental stimulation is experienced.

In freshwater systems, some microbes persist through pH fluctuations of 2-3pH points daily. However, these microbes are adapted to these conditions, unlike those in marine environments, which are less adapted due to the higher buffering capacity, therefore lower natural variation levels of ~0.3 pH points.  This posed the question: Are the genomes of marine microbes flexible enough to allow them to acclimatize or can they accumulate new genes fast enough to enable them to survive ocean acidification? If so,  how will their function be influenced?

If the genomes of microbes in the water column are not adequate to allow said microbes to adapt, I wonder if this extends to symbiotic bacteria that are inherited directly from the parents, considering the hosts regulation of the internal environment inhabited by the microbes.

Answers to some of the questions posed could be gained through experiments using model marine microbes; comparing marine, coastal and freshwater systems that hold similar initial communities; and comparing stored isolates and fresh isolates.  The responses would be considering to pH changes. Due to problems revolving around culturability of marine microbes and controlling pH of media, a more valid approach is the comparison of the genes and gene expression. Another problematic factor is the number of confounding factors that occur naturally. Therefore laboratory experiments will need to be multi-factorial in order to represent a greater proportion of factors.

Although it is vital that the functional effects of altering the microbial communities as a result of pH changes are understood, considering the natural fluctuations over several time periods and locations it is debatable whether a permanent change will occur. Potential effects of this on microbial communities, and more importantly function, must be understood. Such understanding can be predicted more accurately through comparisons between organisms taken from ‘real’ environments as opposed to laboratory experiementation.

Joint I, Donay SC, Karl DM (2011). Will ocean acidification affect marine microbes? The ISME J.;5:1–7 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105673/


  1. hey meg, really good paper i was just wondering more for me than for learning sakes whether there was an extreme that these mentioned microbes could not survive at or because they are more robust did they mention that they can surive pretty much anywhere, and finally do these microbes discussed prefer more acidic or alkali conditions, or does it not really make a difference, i understand its a difficult question and apologies just wanted your and the authors thoughts on it.


    Ollie ;)

  2. Hi Ollie,

    The paper did not state the specific pH value for areas such as the core acidified zone, however considering the change is 2-3 pH points into the acidic side of the spectrum I presume this means the pH is approximately 5-6 at the most acidic. This is based on the average pH of approximately 8, and the core acidified zone being a region representing the greatest effect in terms of acidification.

    Considering the average pH of the ocean being very slightly towards the alkaline side of neutral, but still very much neutral, I would say that this is the pH level the microbes are suited to. However, it is possible for some microbes to survive environments with different pH levels, as demonstrated here.

    The main concern with ocean acidification is that the microbial communities could change to contain different microbes that are more suited to acidic conditions, changing the function and having a large influence on the marine environment and therefore those within it. There are such microbes that flourish in highly acid environments, such as those found in volcanoes, but I am unsure of any examples as far as marine systems are concerned. The paper did not actually mention what specific traits are key in order for microbes to survive acid conditions. It would be interesting to know if these traits still enabled the organism in question to survive in marine environments, or if they somehow compromised this.

    I hope this helps, let me know if you require any clarification.


  3. Comment from Jean-Pierre Gattuso (Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry Group, Laboratoire d'Oceanographie, Villefranche.
    "The paper by Joint et al. (2011) does not offer a comprehensive view of
    the literature. There are many papers demonstrating that some microbes
    and microbial processes which are affected by ocean acidification, some
    positively, others negatively. The papers below may good places to
    start. Many other relevant papers were highlighted on the EPOCA blog

    Jean-Pierre Gattuso

    Kroeker K., Kordas R. C., Ryan, Hendriks I., Ramajo L., Singh G., Duarte
    C. & Gattuso J.-P., in press. Impacts of ocean acidification on marine
    organisms: quantifying sensitivities and interaction with warming.
    Global Change Biology.

    Liu J., Weinbauer M. G., Maier C., Dai M. & Gattuso J.-P., 2010. Effect
    of ocean acidification on microbial diversity, and on microbe-driven
    biogeochemistry and ecosystem functioning. Aquatic Microbial Ecology

    Weinbauer M. G., Mari X. & Gattuso J.-P., 2011. Effect of ocean
    acidification on the diversity and activity of heterotrophic marine
    microorganisms. In: Gattuso J.-P. & Hansson L. (Eds.), Ocean
    acidification, pp. 83-98. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Jean-Pierre Gattuso | http://www.obs-vlfr.fr/~gattuso

  4. Thanks Collin, I was not aware the literature referred to here in terms of the specific effects on microbes was not comprehensive. Although looking back a large proportion of the review focuses on whether ocean acidification will take place or not as opposed to the implications if it were true.



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