Thursday 10 January 2013

Ice-olated Bacteria Still Viable after 2,800 years!

Lake Vida is a hyper-saline Antarctic lake discovered in 2002. It has been the subject of research due to being fully endoheric, it is encapsulated by a year-round 15.8m ice cover, with an underlying 800-970m of permafrost. The temperature of the lake was recorded at -13°C but stays as liquid water due to its extremely high salinity, it is slightly acidic at pH6.2. This fully encapsulated lake has no inflow of energy in any form, however viable and actively metabolising bacteria have been found, which have been locked in the ice and isolated from the outside world for ~2,800 years.
Originally, when first discovered, these bacteria were thought to have been frozen in the ice and accidentally thawed and reanimated upon extraction, however in this study it is concluded that the bacteria have been viable for the full ~2,800 years of isolation, living on a maintenance level metabolism, without any forms of obvious energy input from the sun due to the think ice cap above or from ground heat/water due to the underlying permafrost. The paper aims to find out what, exactly, the bacteria are using as an energy source and how they obtain nutrients.
A variety of biochemical tests were performed on extracted ice cores and brine samples to determine oxygenicity, dissolved organic carbon levels, mineral levels (N2O, Fe, S) and methane levels. Scanning electron microscopy was used to visualise cells.

The author states early on in the article that even though the lake has no energy source, the ecosystem would still be expected to contain life. However it was predicted that the system would be primarily methanogenesis, as expected in the final stages of decomposition. The results, in contrast, showed that a complex geochemistry with enormous amounts of various chemicals needed to sustain several types of metabolism were present. The range of compounds found include dissolved metals, inorganic and organic carbon, N2O, H2, as well as large amounts of both reduced and oxidized forms of dissolved nitrogen. This suggests that, together with the microbial assemblage that is potentially capable of metabolisms ranging from denitrification to chemolithoautotrophy and fermentation, a complex and adaptive ecosystem is capable of lasting ~2,800 years and more, as the author states that with the current DOC level the lake may last for a “far more prolonged period”. This gives arise to the speculation that life may still yet exist in similar situations on Mars, Europa and Enceladus, and if so, may tell us more about the origin of life on Earth (proving or disproving the Panspermia hypothesis).

 Initially it was speculated that a coupled Iron(III)-Sulphate reduction cycle metabolism was the predominant feature which allowed the constant turnover of energy, however this was rejected due to a high DOC concentration in the brine. Instead the research explains a system where the brine reacts with the surrounding serpentinite rock, to release H2 and N2O into the water, which is subsequently used by the bacteria. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that several species present (Phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes) are able to metabolise H2 as an energy source to prevent depurinisation and racemization. These speculations are supported by the autochthonous carbon inventory (the carbon originally isolated with the lake) only decreasing by 0.002%, however this equation assumes the respiration is equal to production.

Whilst this paper suggests some interesting and unique concepts, one problem which the authors glance over is predominantly worrying. Lake Vida has been an enclosed and isolated ecosystem for nearly 3,000 years, a pristine example of a system completely devoid of human interference. By taking samples the researchers may have contaminated the lake and no description is given to any aseptic technique, apart from detailing the method used to store the samples/cores. However, even with this nagging sense of human destruction, this paper makes for an interesting read, and the promise of potentially finding life in similar ecosystems on other planets is particularly enticing.


  1. Harri - I like the pun in the title! Can you add the ddetails of the articel and the URL? I thought your ocmment about the importance of avoising contamination was very perceptive, although I would be rather surprised if this wan't taken care of. I think these authors did an earlier study and I suspect that the current paper just refers back to that, rather than detailing the methods of drilling again. There are several such projects in progress and the development of self-sterilising drilling methods has been crucial. Indeed, the British Anta=rctic Survey group had to abandon the drilling into Lake Ellesmere just before Christmas, becasue of problems with the system.

  2. Hi Harri,
    When reading this blog I immediately think of the similar BAS attempt publicised in December as Colin mentioned. I can imagine these ventures cost huge amounts of money! Did the paper find any new types of metabolism not found anywhere else? Also, are the species present inside the frozen lake endemic to the lake, or are they also present in other places in the world? This kind of research is obviously hugely fascinating; apart from potential links to life on other planets, what to do you think the main significance of this research is?

  3. Reference - Murray AE, Kenig F, Fritsen CH, McKay CP, Cawley KM, Edwards R, Kuhn E, McKnight DM, Ostrom NE, Peng V, Ponce A, Priscu JC, Samarkin V, Townsend AT, Wagh P, Young SA, Yung PT, Doran PT (2012) Microbial life at -13 {degrees}C in the brine of an ice-sealed Antarctic lake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 109 (50),20626-20631.
    Accessed from:

    Colin - The study did state that it followed a 'carefully designed sampling approach' and provides a reference which details a 'clean access' method, but I was unable to access this reference without paying for the article. Nonetheless I can not think of any way to ensure complete asespsis, even drilling through the upper ice layers would surely contaminate the drill head?

    Vicky - I havent heard of a BAS attempt, thanks for letting me know I'll have a look at that!
    As far as I can tell, the paper only made one comparison between the metabolism of H2 in the lake bacteria and those of the outside (modern) world. When describing the chemical reactions which lead to the release of H2 from the rock, the authors state that "H2 can by used by many organisms as an energy source" but offer no direct comparisons.
    The authors do not state that they have found a brand new species or that the species are endemic to the lake, in contrast 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis (what else..) upon the species found in the lake and found them very similar to members of the Firmicutes (Gram pos) and Bacteroidetes (Gram neg) phyla.
    I think that the main significance of this research is that we may find alien life, isn't that enough!! But I also think that these extremophiles, which are able to live quite happily at -13 degrees C, may be able to fuel industrial enzymatic reactions at a lower temperature, saving money and lowering costs. I also think cryogenic studies might be able to learn something from these bacteria.

    1. Hi Harri Here is an extract from the BAS release about Lake Ellsworth. I am sure that all these studies will use similar approaches to prevent contamination of the lake during drilling. Indeed, I think it was problems with the supply of boiling water that made them decide to halt the investigation.

      The drilling mission is made up of four-stages:
      1. Pump a high pressure jet of hot water slowly into the ice to create a borehole that is around 40cm wide
      2. Create a chamber in the ice (the size of a caravan) 300 metres below the surface, fill with hot water, place a water pump inside to balance the pressure and prevent lake water rushing back up the borehole when the lake is penetrated. This should take around two days of constant drilling
      3. Continue to drill the borehole for approximately three days more, going deep through the ice and into the lake
      4. Lower and raise the instruments to retrieve water and sediments samples for analysis in UK laboratories – the team has just 24 hours to complete this stage before the hole re-freezes to an unusable size

      "To protect Lake Ellsworth’s pristine environment and to ensure that uncontaminated samples are brought back to the UK for analysis, space-industry-standard clean technology has been used to sterilise every piece of equipment. This included a four-stage chemical wash followed by full exposure to hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) during the final assembly process. All equipment was transported from the UK in sterile packaging and will be treated with HPV again on site. The water used for drilling will undergo a four-stage filtration process, down to 0.1 microns, before being passed under UV light and heated to 90 degrees C."
      Here's a link to the Lake Ellsworth blog

    2. Hello again,

      Thanks for the info Harri, so even though this niche has been closed off from the outside for a couple of thousand years, they didn’t find any novel metabolism or species? I suppose 2,800 years isn’t exactly a long time in terms of evolutionary history. I had a little look at the paper, I liked the phylogenetic tree of the species they found, some of the species in the lake are not too dissimilar to many common environmental species such as the fairly ubiquitous genus Marinobacter.

      I was also thinking along the lines of possible industrial or biotechnology applications. Maybe there are some interesting compounds which could be of use in pharmaceuticals or something like that.



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