Wednesday 23 January 2013

Initial investigation of viruses infecting copepods suggests that viral infection may be ubiquitous in oceans

Following Collins lecture on the diseases in marine organisms I decided to investigate whether any further research had been conducted in relation to viral infections in mesoplankton. The mesoplankton provide an important link in the trophic transfer of energy up the food web. Copepods are the most ubiquitous and abundant members of the mesoplankton yet very little is known of their interactions with viruses. Predation is often thought to be the primary factor involved in copepod mortality, but this is only accountable for 65-70% of the mortality observed in copepods (Hirst & Kiorboe, 2002). Only one study exists on viral interaction with copepods in the literature which observed no negative impacts on the copepod Acartia tonsa (Drake & Dobbs, 2005).

Dunlop & colleagues (2013) investigated viral infection of the calanoid copepods Labidocera aestiva and Acartia tonsa using molecular and microscopic techniques isolated from natural populations in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Results indicated that two new ssDNA viruses, AtCopCV and LaCopCV, were present A. tonsa and L. Aestiva, respectively.  Both viruses show similarities to Circoviridae family which have the characteristics of a small genome size, two non-overlapping ORFs, and a stem loop with conserved non-anucliotide motif, but in contrast to normal circoviruses the genomes are orientated in the same direction and are not ambisense ( A single stranded genome that contains both positive-sense and negative-sense). These characteristics have been isolated in Circoviridae from environmental and faecal genomes. Previously Circoviruses have only been isolated from vertebrates and one study in dragon flies, so this is an important find suggesting a broader environmental scope for this group of viruses. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that although both LaCopCV and AtCopCV cluster with the circoviridae they are highly divergent from other known circoviridae. Dunlop and Colleagues suggest that these viruses represent a unique lineage in the circoviridae that infect marine invertebrates.

Following this Dunlop and colleagues investigated the viral load by replicating the putative capsid gene of LACopCV using quantative PCR.  This revealed loads of 77-7.5x105 copies per L. aestival individual with 100% of individuals infected in three out of four locations sampled. The viral loading of these copepods is similar to that of WSSV detected in other arthropods. Modified quantative PCR revealed that there was replication of these viruses in the host, but the transcription observed was only minimal. Furthermore, environmental samples revealed that the viruses were detected in the sediment and not in the seawater, suggesting that the sediment is a reservoir for these viruses. This is surprising, because you may expect that a virus infecting a copepod would be present in the water column increasing the chance of virus-host interaction.  

To further document the viral existence in tissue sections of A. tonsa and L. labidocera were observed under via transmission electron microscopy. This revealed that the virus-like particals were present in the connective tissue of both copepods and not the parasites, symbionts or gut material. The viruses were significantly larger than any known Circoviridae, with diameters of roughly 40nm, as-opposed to 17nm, but whether these particles really are the AtCopCV or LACopCV remains to be determined.  

This investigation opens a new door for investigation into food web dynamics and nutrient cycling in ocean and coastal process and likely to lead to many more research opportunities.   


REVIEWED: Dunlop. D. S., Fei Fang. Ng. T., Rosario. K., Barbosa. J. G., Greco. A. M., Breibart. M., Hewson. I.,(2013). Molecular and microscopic evidence of viruses in marine copepods. PNAS. 1216595110.

Drake LA, Dobbs FC (2005) Do viruses affect fecundity and survival of the copepod
Acartia tonsa Dana? J Plankton Res 27:167174.

Hirst A, Kiørboe T (2002) Mortality of marine planktonic copepods: Global rates and
patterns. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 230:195209.


  1. Hi Matt, very interesting post, I was about to review this paper as well.

    Do you think that the absence of these specific viruses in water samples could be a hint for a more complex transmission pathway, maybe via vector from the sediment? Otherwise how would a virus, so far only found in sediment, end up in pelagic mesoplankton... Potentially the answer to this could also explain why Drake and Dobbs's (2005) experiment did not show any significant results, since they exposed the copepods to elevated concentrations of natural viruses in seawater.

  2. Hi Matt and Anna,

    I hope this doesn’t sound like a daft question, but has anyone actually linked the virus detected by Dunlop et al (2013) to copepod mortality? The fact the virus was so prevalent in the individuals sampled leads me to wonder just how lethal this infection is. If such large proportions of the population are infected and the mortality rate was high, surely the population would crash, unless perhaps, death occurs late in the life cycle. If however this infection is widespread but not particularly lethal, then how much would it actually contribute to food web dynamics and nutrient cycling?


  3. Hi Jo

    Dunlap et al. don't assume that the virus is causing the non-predatory mortality in mesoplankton, but merely are the first ones to provide evidence that viral infection takes place. The authors fully acknowledge that further research is required to understand the role of viruses in this process, the pathology, transmission pathway and the ecological implications. But I can see your point, Drake and Dobbs provide some explanations in their discussion for the absence of any effect of viruses on the mortality of copepods. For instance the virus could be latent for the majority of the life cycle..

    I hope this helps!

  4. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for that! The idea that this virus might remain latent until late in the life cycle, when the copepod has reproduced and therefore passed it on to a new generation, does seem to offer a plausible explanation as to the prevalence of this virus throughout copepod populations. It will be interesting to see what is uncovered regarding the cycle of infection for this virus. Together with the work needed to investigate possible viral vectors, it looks like there is lot to do to uncover the mysteries of this new virus….

    PhD anyone?


  5. Hi Matt,

    Regarding that chat we had yesterday about symbiotic microbes and the evolution of metazoans:


    Ilana Zilber-Rosenberg, Eugene Rosenberg (2008) Role of microorganisms in the evolution of animals and plants: the hologenome theory of evolution.FEMS microbiology reviews 32 (5) p. 723-35

    Looking forward to reading your blog on the Science article which relates to the same subject!



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