Monday 21 January 2013

Shocking! Electricity generation from thermophilic microorganisms… Found in marine sediment!

These heat-loving bacteria; called thermophiles, can function in extreme conditions where ‘normal’ bacteria would perish. These extraordinary microorganisms have a range of distinctive abilities: higher activity, greater stability, longer life and utilization of a wide range of fuels. Because of these capabilities there has been an increased effort to explore how these microbes could be used as effective catalysts within microbial fuel cells (MFCs). MFCs facilitate chemical energy from a bio-convertible substrate to be converted directly into energy, this technology is currently an intriguing possible source of sustainable energy. However, the power and current densities that have been generated by these MFCs, have been relatively low. With this problem in mind, Mathis et al. (2007) investigated how MFC technology could be improved and focused on improving the function of the biological catalysts.

Environments such as hydrothermal vents and volcanic hot springs pipes are already known to support thermophilic bacteria life, but marine sediments with temperatures above 50°C, have also been discovered to possess not only mesophilic bacteria but thermophiles too (Madigan et al. 2005).

Within the structure of a MFC, bacteria use an anode as a terminal electron acceptor and use a soluble factor from the environment to act as an electron carrier to mediate the transfer of electrons to the electrode. Mathis et al. (2007) wanted to consider whether higher levels of electricity could be generated without the addition of an electron-carrying shuttle from marine sediment samples operated under thermophilic conditions compared to a those operated in a mesophilic MFC.

Samples were collected 2-30 cm below the sediment surface from Ashley River; Charleston Harbor SC. Sediment fuel cells were constructed and incubated at a designated thermophilic temperature of 60°C and mesophilic temperature of 22°C. For controls, several ‘killed-cell’ sediment fuel cells were constructed and treated with formaldehyde, so as to negate the activities of present sediment bacteria. The results produced; showed that the sediment fuel cells operated at 60°C with no addition of energy sources or electron-carrying mediators, were able to generate electrical currents directly and at nearly a tenfold higher than their counter parts, which had been incubated at 22°C. Mathis et al. (2007) also found the addition of cellulose to be a suitable fueling agent; with the current being sustained.

Community composition was analyzed via the examination of the 16S rRNA genes. It revealed that within the sediment sample incubated at 60°, two types of bacteria dominated: Gram-positive bacteria most related to Thermincola spp. and Gram-negative bacteria related to Deferribacter spp. Of which all cultures strains are know to be thermophilic.   

I found this study particularly intriguing because it extends our knowledge of thermophilic bacterial habitats; Mathis et al. (2007) indicated that thermophilic bacterial communities may be more dynamic and ubiquitous than formerly perceived and that these heat-loving bacteria are not just restricted to extreme thermophilic environments. Generating electricity with cellulose in a MFC under thermophilic conditions was first shown in this study. Which makes it pioneering within the field of research and also gives a promising indication that with the further understanding of the bacterial communities and technological advances of MFC engineering, MFCs could one day been a viable source of sustainable energy.

A review by Kim et al (2008), discussed the advancements, bacterial communities and applications of MFCs. More recently, Fu et al. (2013), have carried out electrochemical and phylogenetic analysis of current generating microorganisms in thermophilic fuel cells.

Mathis, B. J., Marshall, C. W., Milliken, C. E., Makkar, R. S., Creager, S. E. and May, H. D. (2007)

“Electricity generation by thermophilic microorganisms from marine sediment”. 
  Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 78: 147-155.

Fu, Q., Kobayashi, H., Kawaguchi, H., Vilcaez, J., Wakayama, T., Maeda, H. and Sato, K. (2013)

“Electrochemical and phylogenetic analyses of current generating microorganisms in a thermophilic microbial fuel cell”. 
 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 115: 268-271.

Kim, I. S., Chae, K. J., Choi, M. J. and Verstraete, W. (2008)

“Microbial Fuel Cells: Recent Advanced, Bacterial Communities and Application Beyond Electricity Generation”. 
  Environ. Eng. Res, 13: 51-65.

Madigan, M. T. and Martinoko, J. M. (2005)

“Brock biology of microorganisms”. 
  11st edn. Prenice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.



  1. Hi Carys,

    This is a very interesting study, especially how topical it is at the moment, nice to see that they have found another positive use for bacteria in relation to sustainability other than using them to look for more oil.I genuinely feel that the more time and money is spent looking in to the microbial world the more we will benefit in ways such as this. Did Mathis et al mention any significant further study, perhaps concentrating the bacteria growth in incubation to see if they can increase greater power output, perhaps even using glucose and sucrose independently.Hope that made sense, anyway nice paper.

  2. Hi James,

    I completely agree with you there! I feel there are so many 'un-tapped' potentials within this realm. Thermophiles are so suited to industrial processes, due to the qualities they possess to thrive in such extreme conditions. Mathis et al. did mention that adding acetate as a substrate allowed current generation too, but didn't go further. This then leaves potential, i feel to investigate other suitable substrates to add to the MFCs. Such as using bacterial consumption of wastewater from treatment plants, offering a potentially clean and efficient generation of energy. Significant further study could also be analysing the 'generation power' produced from bacteria from different thermophilic habitats.

    Thanks for reading!

  3. Carys - very interesting study with positive potential (excuse pun). This ties in nicely with the post made on 4/12 by Myles.

  4. Hi all,

    I too feel microbes are an un-tapped resource! I’m certainly looking forward to Colin’s lectures on the marine living resources module. Personally I think there is a long way to go before we see the production of any sort of useful MFCs and I don’t feel any of the current literature is particularly convincing in terms of this being a useful source of energy, but who knows, there is certainly potential. Perhaps we need to get a deeper understanding of the environmental and ecological significance first, for example the work that Myles reviewed.

    What do you think about the actual likelihood MFCs being useful?



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