Wednesday 30 January 2013

Shedding light on the function of marine sponge microbiota

Sponges are the most ancient metazoan animal phylum (approximately 600 million years old) and are found in tropical and subtropical oceans, the polar regions, the deep sea and in freshwater lakes and streams. Marine demosponges harbour complex microbial communities at densities exceeding the surrounding seawater by several orders of magnitude and sometimes these microorganisms make up 40-60% of the animals biomass. While the majority of the microorganisms remain unculturable, Grozdanov & Hentschel (2007) review several of the discoveries made using environmental genomic techniques shedding light on the function of sponge-associated microbiota.

The archaeon Cenarchaeum symbiosum (C. archaeum lineage) has now been found in more than 19 shallow water sponge species, and in an arctic deep water sponge, making up 70-90% of the microbial biomass. Interestingly, it is thought that the C. archaeum lineage consistently affiliated with the sponges is not thermophillic; sequence comparison of several clones carrying the ribosomal operon and subsequent biochemical characterization of the enzyme revealed enzyme instability above 40oC. Also, the presence of molecular machinery encoding a modified version of the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle for CO2 assimilation and the identification of genes using reduced nitrogen compounds and ammonia for energy production might be evidence for a symbiotic relationship between the sponge host and the archaeon, in which removal of sponge waste products such as ammonia would provide energy for the symbiont while CO2 fixation by the archaea would supply organic carbon to the sponge. A complete genome of C. symbiosum was generated by systematical selection of overlapping clones from environmental fosmid libraries and this has shown that many predicted genes appear to be specific and Grozdanov & Hentschel (2007) suggest that these may perform symbiosis-related functions such as mediation of cell-to-cell contact, degradation of extracellular matrix proteins or evasion of the host defences.

Several of the studies reviewed give evidence for a bacterial origin of onnamides, a group of polyketide compounds that exhibit powerful anti-tumour activities. The onnamides gene cluster follows the co-linearity rule in that the domain architecture of the involved genes mirrors the chemical structure of the onnamides nearly perfectly. Research on the diversity of PKSI genes led to the discovery of unusually small monomodular and widely distributed PKSI operons in sponge microbiota that are similar to methyl-branched fatty-acid-encoding PKS systems from Mycobacteria. The biological function of these in sponges is unclear but Grozdanov & Hentschel thought that these methylated fatty acids may be important for the establishment and maintenance of symbiosis by protecting the bacterial cells from phagocytosis. Several other compounds that are known to be secondary metabolites found in sponges as well as biotechnologically relevant compounds have been found to be produced by the sponge microbiota also.

This was an interesting paper highlighting some of the main findings surrounding marine sponges and the potential applications for some of the compounds produced by their microbial communities. These are of interest both medically and for biotechnology. Much of the information given for each point was from several separate studies and references for each can be found within the Grozdanov & Hentschel (2007) paper.


Grozdanov, L. & Hentschel, U. (2007) An environmental genomics perspective on the diversity and function of marine sponge-associated microbiota. Ecology and industrial microbiology. 10, 215-220


  1. Hi Robyn

    Did the authors give any information about how important the symbiosis between sponge and microbiota would be? Do they suspect that the presence of microbiota is vital for the well-functioning of the sponge, because in absence the sponge woudn't be able to excrete waste products for instance?

    Thank you

  2. Hi Robyn, I have my self read this paper as i am looking in to sponges as part of our Marine living resources course work, it is a very interesting area as far a biotechnology is concerned, and it has been proven that many microbes living symbiotically have different beneficial properties, some have fantastic viral defense strategies that can be utilised in medicine but one in particular is a compound derived from mangrove tunicates that hold promise as a potent anti-tumour treatment. Nice blog though and yes an interesting study for sure.

  3. Hi Folks,

    I have just been reading a paper looking at the bacterial community profiles of what is referred to as 'Low Microbial Abundance' (LMA) sponges. As the name suggest, sponges classed as LMA have been found to have many fewer associated bacteria than 'High Microbial Abundance' (HBA) sponges, and in this study the authors observed less phylogenetic and species diversity in microbes associated with LMA sponges as well.

    Of particular interest in connection with the paper Robin reviewed, is that LMA and HMA sponges also show differences in supA type polyketide synthase (PKS) gene presence. In 6 HMA sponges PKS genes have been found as present, and in 6 LMA sponges absent PKS genes were absent (Hochmuth et al., 2010), providing more evidence for the role of associated bacteria in producing particular compounds.

    But what really interests me is that there should be such variability in the bacterial communities of different species of sponges, because we tend to think of them as very (the most!) simple animals, whose function is pretty much uniform across the group. If this is the case, then what accounts for such major differences in microbial abundance? Environmental factors spring to mind, but then LMA and HMA sponges occur sympatrically.

    This makes wonder if inherent differences between host species are involved, e.g. amino acid and monosaccharide composition (which have been suggested as important to host effects on coral microbiota by Klaus et al., (2007)). If this was true, it might indicate suitability for hosting different numbers and types of microbes has evolved over time in different species. Does this suggest that microbes may be more significant to sponge function in HMA sponges? Anyone have any thoughts on all this speculation?


  4. P.S. the papers I mentioned:

    Giles, Emily C, Janine Kamke, Lucas Moitinho-Silva, Michael W Taylor, Ute Hentschel, Timothy Ravasi, and Susanne Schmitt. 2013. “Bacterial Community Profiles in Low Microbial Abundance Sponges.” FEMS Microbiology Ecology 83: 232–41.

    Klaus, James S, Ingmar Janse, Jeffrey M Heikoop, Robert a Sanford, and Bruce W Fouke. 2007. “Coral Microbial Communities, Zooxanthellae and Mucus Along Gradients of Seawater Depth and Coastal Pollution.” Environmental Microbiology 9: 1291–305.


  5. Hi guys,

    The impression I got was that still no one is too sure on what the function of these compounds is to the host sponge, but the authors highlighted that it was an area that they felt was still very under-researched. As many sponges don't have as many microbes as the ones in the review paper I looked at I wonder how essential all of the microbes really are? Perhaps they are not all essential to survival but more the sponges provide a good habitat for them and they don't adversely affect the sponges. Although Grosdanov & Hentschel suggest that the some of the associated archaea fix CO2 for the sponge while gaining nitrogen... Definitely something that needs more research (it seems to be the answer to everything)!

    This Grozdanov & Hentschel paper looked only at what they termed 'bacteriosponges' (I assume these are the same as the HMA sponges that Jo mentioned) so perhaps there would be different findings had they compared both.



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